20 Amazing Weather Phenomena

Mother Nature is always full of surprises, but sometime she really does amaze us. Like the natural green flash, which occurs very briefly before total sunset and after sunrise. It appears as a green flash above the sun that lasts very briefly, generally only a few moments.

Click to read more about it: 20 Amazing Weather Phenomena @ Listverse.

Earth Zoom Amsterdam - After Effects

Earth zoom out effect from my home to the whole world.

Made in Adobe After Effects CS3Tnx to Adrew Kramer from Videocopilot for the tutorial!
Check out my Channel: DyNamicLinQ

Stunt Pilot - Flash Game

Stunt Pilot Flash GameGuide a prop plane through an obstacle course of coloured rings.

The controls are simple, just guide the plane’s nose up or down using the arrow keys:
Stunt Pilot.